Dearest one,
You’ve been hearing the call –
The call to heal, the call to make use of your sensitivity and your energetic gifts, even the call (and this feels tender) to help others heal (because what a privilege would that be!).
You’ve been asked to make a choice –
…and you know it’s time to take a stand.
You are ready to luxuriate in your sensitivity.
You are here to alchemize your pain.
You are willing to experience yourself as the healer you know you came here to be.
Darling, whether you’ve already done Reiki 1 or not, you are welcome here.
You are the healer we’ve been waiting for.
and I’m beyond grateful you’re choosing to make the healing impact only you can make.

HEALER: AWAKENED is a 12-week online immersion to develop or deepen your reiki practice, and make a healing impact
What you get
If I were to sell these separately, the value would add up to over $2300, but I don’t because the most valuable part of this most luxurious Reiki I journey is that it’s not just a journey where you learn about Reiki, try it out and then flail as you try to figure it out on your own.
This is a journey where you step into yourself as a healer and you emerge forever transformed. You commit to living life as your wisest, most loving self.
… and it doesn’t all stay a wish…
because throughout this journey you will be both supported AND held accountable.
The exchange is $1500, with an early bird discount of $150 if you sign up before March 1.

The things I teach you absolutely changed me
There are a few things you should probably know about me:
I’ve been practicing Reiki since 2010, teaching it since 2015, and have probably held more than 2500 in-person sessions. I’m also a mom of two, travel over 4 months a year and have an actual degree in energy medicine (that I completed at the same time as a masters of neuropsychology!).
More importantly still, though?
I sweat and I doubt and I suffer and I don’t know wtf is happening sometimes. I get scared. I mess up and hide. None of that has gone away through my journey in energy healing. The thing that’s changed is how I deal with it.
I’m ruthless about getting honest about what’s going on, bringing love there, and navigating the complexity in front of me with wisdom.
Everything in HEALER:AWAKENED is powerfully dosed and curated to allow you to do the same. If this resonates with you, I invite you to do one of three things (or maybe even all three!):
(1) Message me on IG. Tell me you read this page and that it resonated. We can start an informal conversation there.
(2) Book a discovery call with me. It’s 30-minutes and we get to really dig in to wehther this is the right fit for you or not. we can also discuss payment plans if need be.
(3) If you feel it in your bones that this program is for you, sign up.
P.S. For clarity’s sake, it’s important for you to know:
I did found Reiki Reno because I think it’s important ofr people to be able to find qualified Reiki professionals (who aren’t always the greatest at marketing themselves), and I DO encourage you to do Reiki I in person if you can.
BUT if you’re craving something deeper than your typical Reiki I workshop, this is it. I myself, live in Reno, Canada and everything I teach is online.
What past students have to say:

If you’re doing Reiki I solely for the certificate, it’s not for you. If you want to do Reiki I to confirm that you are somehow special, this is not the place for you. Despite us all having very unique and incredible gifts (and they’re amazing and you’ll definitely start discovering how yours work!), we firmly believe that Reiki is a practice accessible to everyone. Finally, we’ve built Reiki I to be a healing journey to be experienced over several weeks. Your sustained involvement will be required. If you’re coming solely for the initiation, there are other Reiki I certificates done over a day, we recommend you check those out.
Since 2015, with over a hundred students, this has happened once or twice. $75 of your group course fee is non-refundable. If after the first class you decide the course is not for you and you decide to walk away, you will be refunded the rest. After that time there will be no refunds.
If you’re unsure if this course is for you, the best thing is to book a call with Inge.
Life sometimes gets in the way.
If you have to cancel before the course starts or after only one class – $75 of your group course fee is non-refundable, but can be applied as a credit to a future course.
If you have to cancel after class 2 – We can take measures to have you complete the course individually (you will make up the difference between fees) or we can credit you your course fee for a future Reiki I course.
Yes. You can get in touch with Inge to request this.
YES. In a manner of speaking. As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive access to your online portal, where you’ll find a welcome meditation as well as some welcome materials. You will also receive full access to Reiki I, Healing Presence & Chakra Journey for you to peruse at your leisure.
For the group, if you miss a zoom class and you are able to let me know ahead of time, you may receive the recording if all students are in accord. If you need to miss the first class, it’s best to reschedule the course entirely.
If you already know you’re going to be missing a class, best check with Inge before signing up to create a plan.
If it’s your intention to do the Reiki Certificate in a cohort, book a certification call with Inge. She will walk you through everything you need to know.
If you want to do all the courses included in the Certificate, but at your own pace, we recommend Reiki I or Healing Presence as great starting points.
If you start with individual courses and decide to do the certificate in a cohort at a later date,
Reiki I is a great entry to the program. We recommend starting with it or with Healing Presence. If you do it now and decide to commit to the Reiki Certificate at a later date, you will redo Reiki I, and will be credited $100 off the certification program.
You’ve made it all the way to the end of
the page. This is the moment you decide.
Are you feeling the call?
RegisterYou’re feeling the call, but there’s some hesitation?
Book a Call With IngeYou’re feeling it, but you’re not sure yet?
Start with receiving our free Reiki Meditation.